Validate an Account Number and returns specific details.

Validate different types of account identifiers like IBAN, BBAN or BIC, as well as any stored routing code within Swift files (ABA, NZBA, SC, etc.).
Different validations are performed depending on the Account Identifier informed. If the Account Identified is not informed as per the 'account_format', the API will return an error message.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

PagoNxt Emoney EDE, S.L. is an electronic money company that operates under the supervision of the Bank of Spain in accordance with the provisions of Law 21/2011, of July 26, on electronic money ("Electronic Money Law") a company with registered offices in Av. Cantabria s/n. 28660, Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) and holding tax no. B- 05284831. PagoNxt is registered in the register of the Bank of Spain with the number 6722 and in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, volume 41.692, page 130, sheet M-738.547, 1st inscription). PagoNxt Payments UK Ltd. is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 and Payment Service Regulations 2017 (Firm Reference Number 989454) for the issuing of electronic money and provision of payment services. PagoNxt Payments UK Ltd. is registered in England and Wales (No. 12057109) with registered office at 2 Triton Square, Regent's Place, London, NW1 3AN, United Kingdom