post https://{host}/fx_dealer/quotes
Prior to the request, the "x-santander-client-id" in the header must be configured in PagoNxt Trade to one or more customer_id.
In the query_params, there is a customer_id field, which has the following functionality:
- If for an "x-santander-client-id" there is only one parameterised customer_id in the PagoNxt systems, the query_params does not need to be informed, it would be optional.
- If for an "x-santander-client-id" there is more than one parameterised customer_id in PagoNxt systems, the query_params customer_id becomes mandatory, and additionally the API validates that the customer_id corresponds to those parameterised in PagoNxt Trade, if it does not match, the request is rejected.
- The fields client_sell_ccy and client_sell_buy are both mandatory, and cannot contain the same ccy, they would be rejected in this case.Client_sell_amount and client_buy_amount are optional fields, but at least one of them must be reported. Must be >0 and cannot be negative values.
- valueDate: is an optional field.
- If not informed, FX nearest ESD (Earliest Settlement Day) is returned.
- If informed, it search for an FX for the given date. If there is no FX for the valueDate informed, nearest FX would be returned, indicating in the API Output the field valueDateChange=true indicating that the value has changed and valueDate= “AAAA-MM-DD” the new valueDate for the FX request is reported.
- A tradeId is returned, FX reference, which will need to be sent in second method/endpoint to be able to execute the FX and make it firm.