JUMP TOPaGONXT APIPostman API CollectionACCOUNTS & LEDGERAccountsCreates an accountpostRetrieves the list of accounts based on filters.getGet account detailsgetUpdates nickName or additionalInfo fields based on a given accountIdpatchCloses an account if the balance is zero.postGet account verificationsgetRetrieves the eMoney accounts list of PagoNXT.getRetrieves the transactions list of an account.getGet transaction detailsgetCustomersGet transaction list belong to a customergetRetrieve a Standard Settlement Instruction (SSI) List. A SSI means the reference of a default account for payments. If a customer does not have SSI defined, a default account will act as SSI.getRetrieves the summary of the accounts related with a customergetAvailable ProductsList of available productsgetSummary TransactionsRetrieves the summary of the transactions related with an account or a customergetPAYMENTSPaymentsCreates a payment request (pacs008/v08).postCreates a payment request (pacs009/v08).postRetrieves the details and status of a payment (pacs002/v10).getFX SERVICESFX QuoteThis method has the function of requesting an FX, being able to be executed in a second "execution" method to execute the FX.postFX Quote ExecutionThis method has the function of executing an FX.postADDITIONAL INFORMATIONCurrenciesGet information on active trading currencies and countriesgetBank infosObtain bank information relative to an Bank Account NumbergetAccount ValidationValidate an Account Number and returns specific details.getDYNAMIC BENEFICIARYBeneficiaryRetrieves the beneficiary form field configurations for a specific country.getRetrieves the required Self Declare Questions (SDQs) for a specific country.getUNIVERSITIESAccountsGet the details of a university account.getStudentsRetrieves the details of a student.getUpdates the details of a student.patchRetrieves a list of students.getCreates a student and assigns them a new virtual account.postCollectionsRetrieves a list of collections for a university.getRetrieves the details of a collection.getPayment LinksRetrieves a list of payment links for a university.getCreates a payment link.postRetrieves the details of a payment link.getUpdate a payment link.patchRecurrent PaymentsExecutes a recurrent attemptpostWebhooksSubscriptionsRetrieves a list of webhook subscriptions.getCreates a webhook subscription.postReplaces a webhook subscription.putDeletes a webhook subscription.deleteExecutionsReplays a webhook execution.postReplaces a webhook subscription.put https://{host}/webhooks/subscriptions/{subscription_id}Replaces an existing webhook subscription.